Wealth Protection

Protect your wealth against inevitable up and downs

Now that you are seeing the results of the wealth building initiatives that you have put into action, it is time to contemplate another important aspect of managing your assets; wealth protection. Wealth protection is achieved through various strategies with the intent of averting the many risks that stand between you and financial independence.

Whether you are thriving as a successful executive, growing your business, or supporting your family in their endeavours, a comprehensive financial plan that is regularly visited and iterated ensures that your ongoing investment and risk management needs are being met. With the MLD Wealth Management Group, our financial advisors will help you answer the following questions:

How have you structured non-correlated investments such as real estate or private equity to diversify your portfolio?

How are you shielding your investment portfolio from market volatility?

Are your loans and mortgages structured in a way to reduce interest costs and capitalize on tax deductions?

Are your investments generating adequate income and cash flow?

Are you informed about all the potential tax credits available to fund your children’s education?

Are your insurance policies up-to-date, competitively priced, and tax-effective?

Have you considered and anticipated the potential costs of future health care?

At MLD Wealth Management Group, we believe that safeguarding your wealth against the market’s inevitable ups and downs is just as important as building your wealth. Our firm’s’ cash flow investment approach and broad asset allocation strategies will help provide stability and optimal outcomes for your comprehensive financial plan.

Up Next: Wills & Estate Planning

Schedule an introduction with MLD Wealth Management and secure your financial future.